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    No Summary Letter Charges (tab18.lng 0090) Appear

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 21

    We are trying to setup charging for letters sent via cir-51 and cir-52, however, in the MAIN library, charges for summary letters (tab18.eng 0090 line) are not being recorded.

    In tab18.lng
    0090 MAIN# ## Y 0.80 Y Overdue Summary Letter Charge
    0090 BUS## ## Y 0.80 Y Overdue Summary Letter Charge

    In tab32
    MAIN ## ## 00 001 001 W 0080 = WE DO NOT WANT TO DEBT LETTER 1
    MAIN ## ## 01 001 001 O 0081
    MAIN ## ## 01 001 001 O 0090 = 1 WE WANT DEBT / LETTER 0.80 (and not per item)
    MAIN ## ## 02 001 001 O 0082
    MAIN ## ## 02 001 001 O 0090 = 1 WE WANT DEBT / LETTER 0.80 (and not per item)
    MAIN ## ## 03 001 001 O 0083
    MAIN ## ## 03 001 001 O 0090 = 1 WE WANT DEBT / LETTER 5.00 (and not per item)
    BUS ## ## 00 003 003 O 0080
    BUS ## ## 01 005 005 O 0081
    BUS ## ## 02 009 009 O 0082
    BUS ## ## 03 021 021 O 0083

    There are multiple parts to this issue.

    [1] The name of a library is included in tab18.lng (Col.2) for line 0090. This line can only work with the #####.
    The cir_52 service cannot generate 0090 transactions related to a particular library. It only works at the ADM level (your ADM library, ABC50, is recorded as the sublibrary that owns the fine).

    So replace:
    0090 MAIN# # # Y 0.80 Y Overdue Summary Letter Charge
    0090 ##### # # Y 0.80 Y Overdue Summary Letter Charge

    Then restart the pc_server and reopen the GUI.

    [2] There is no need to enter 0090 as a line in tab32. For example, the following setup is sufficient for the Main library:
    MAIN ## ## 00 001 001 O 0080
    MAIN ## ## 01 001 001 O 0081
    MAIN ## ## 02 001 001 O 0082
    MAIN ## ## 03 001 001 O 0083
    MAIN ## ## 04 001 001 O 0084
    MAIN ## ## 09 056 014 L

    [3] Once the above setup was correct, we still were not seeing the 0090 charges in the GUI. Examining the Z31 records showed that they were being entered correctly:
    SQL-ABC50> select Z31_REC_KEY,Z31_TYPE from z31 where Z31_REC_KEY like '00000012%201207%';
    Z31_REC_KEY Z31_TYPE
    --------------------------- ----------
    00000012 201207021538684 90
    00000012 201207021539756 90
    00000012 201207021539820 90
    00000012 201207021539882 81
    00000012 201207021539884 81
    00000012 201207021539886 90
    00000012 201207031540040 81
    00000012 201207031540042 81

    These charges do not appear in the GUI because of definitions in tab_attr_sub_library. Because the 0090 cash transaction belongs to the ADM library and not to a specific sub_library (although cir_52 ran on 'MAIN' sublibrary only!), ABC50 must be defined in type 6 of the tab_attr_sub_library table!
    When it was added, the relevant cash lines appeared in the GUI.

    *.*.*.* 1 MAIN BUS
    3 MAIN BUS
    5 MAIN ABC50
    6 MAIN BUS
    6 USM50

    Keywords: tab18.eng p_cir_52 cir-52 p-cir-52

    Additional Information

    tab18.eng p_cir_52 cir-52 p-cir-52

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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