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    No z31 (Cash) record for fine on overdue item declared Lost


    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct, Direct, Local, Total Care



    We see a fine in the GUI Loan display for an overdue item which has been declared Lost (z36_status = "L"), but we don't see any z31 Cash record for this fine.  Why is that?


    This is related to the xxx50 tab100 LATE-RET-FINE-WHEN-LOST variable.  This is the description in the tab100 header:

    !# Values:Y N  Default: N
    !  Y = When an item is declared lost, charge any overdue fines that have been
    !  accrued up to this point of time. In addition, charge the lost-item charges
    !  according to the regular tab34 definitions. If the item is later returned,
    !  refund the lost-item charges according to the regular LOST-LOAN-CREDIT-METHOD
    !  and REFUND-RATE tab100 variables policy. Do not create any new overdue
    !  fines at this point.
    !  N = When an item is declared lost, do not charge any overdue fines that
    !  have been accrued up to this point of time. Do charge the lost-item
    !  charges according to the regular tab34 definitions. If the item is later
    !  returned, refund the lost-item charges according to the regular
    !  LOST-LOAN-CREDIT-METHOD and REFUND-RATE tab100 variables policy.
    !  In addition, create overdue fines at this point for the entire overdue period,
    !  including the period of time in which the item was declared lost.
    <end description>



    • Article last edited: 10-Feb-2017