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    On-shelf Item shows as unavailable; z37_end_hold_date

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20 and up


    A specific item is on the shelf. There is no loan and the process status appears to be clear, but the system is treating it as if it is unavailable.
    The Aleph OPAC is presenting the user with a request link, which should not be there in such a case. Also, the record published out to Primo lists the item as unavailable in the AVA field. What is causing the problem and how to fix it?



    There is a hold request (z37) for this item with z37_status of "S", indicating that it has been placed on the hold shelf and the patron has been notified of its availability.
    It has a z37_end_hold_date of 20090921. This hold, when not picked up, should have either been deleted manually or by the cir-06 service. cir-60 deletes expired hold-shelf requests.
    Checking the p_cir_06 runs in $alephe_scratch, I find that they are all for a special pick-up location. But the relevant z37 has another z37_pickup_location, therefore, it has continued to exist.
    The following SQL can be used to check if there are similar cases:
    xxx50@MALC20> select count(*) from z37 where z37_status = 'S' and z37_end_hold_date < '20120223';

    And the following that these are for a variety of locations:
    xxx50@MALC20> select z37_rec_key, z37_end_hold_date, z37_pickup_location from z37 where z37_status = 'S' and z37_end_hold_date < '20120223' order by z37_end_hold_date;

    You need to either change the Pickup Location parameter in your cir-06 submission to "All" or run the job multiple times for each location.

    • Article last edited: 25-May-2017