Only the first subfiled is printed in Columnar Format (print-08)
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
* In ./xxx01/tab/rep_tab_short.lng format 003 has Corporate Name in col.1 (tag 710## in UNIMARC format)
* If the tag contains more than one subfield $b (Subdivision), only the first one is printed using Print Catalog Records - Columnar Format (print-08) service
* This happens also if col.15 of ./xxx01/tab/rep_tab_short.lng is set with Y ( for all occurrences of the field)
* Col.15 in ./xxx01/tab/rep_tab_short.lng refers to the occurrences of the field, not of a subfield.
* Multiple occurrences of a subfield are managed in ./xxx01/tab/edit_field.lng
* Header of ./xxx01/tab/rep_tab_short.lng states:
"The content can be formatted using edit_field (line ID in edit_field is 'S')"
* Edit ./xxx01/tab/edit_field.lng
* For tag code 710 with ID code "S" (or "#" if not present) set col.8 with value A ( to indicate all subfields with the code)
For example:
1 # 71#0# S -34
2 a
2 b A ^:^
2 c ^
2 d ^
2 e ^
Additional Information
The example is on UNIMARC format but the solution is valid also for MARC 21
Category: Cataloging (500)
Subject: Printing
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013