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    Options for controlling ue_19

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    There is a table in each ADM library's $data_tab directory called tab_ue19.conf. There isn't a header in this table. Is there any documentation on this table? What options are available to us in controlling ue_19, like how often it looks for new requests to process?

    The tab_ue19.conf table currently supports only one section, "Lending", containing two lines, "slip" and "report_format". Here is the default file:

    slip = Y
    report_format = 00

    If the "slip" line is not present, the element defaults to "N"; the "report_format" element defaults to "00". However, as far as I can tell, these values are not currently used by the program. They get set, but then they are never again referenced.

    You can control ue_19 in three ways. The alephe table, "tab_library_group", affects its operation, as it does with other daemon utilities. You can read about this in the "System Librarian's Guide -- General". Also, there are two environment variables that can be set to control its operation. The first one is "ue_19_active_hours". This variable seems to be settable to a string of hour ranges, such as:

    "04-12,13-18,22-23" [to run from 4:00 am to noon, 1:00 pm to 6:00 and 10:00 pm to 11:00]

    The default appears to be "00-23". This controls during what hours of the day the program runs. You could set this in $alephe_root/aleph_start or perhaps in the $aleph_proc/util_e_19 script. I can't find any documentation of this option.

    The other variable might be relevant to your request. It is "WAIT_TIME". This variable is apparently used by several ue daemon processes, and is set separately in each $aleph_proc/util_e_* script. I can't figure out what would be the default if it is not set at all, but it appears that if it is set to any value less than 30, it gets changed to 30. In our distributed $aleph_proc/util_e_19 script, it is set to 20, so it would be using 30 for the value. This appears to be the number of seconds that it waits between checks. I can't find any useful documentation related to this option, either.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013