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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Order "disappears": can't be found by order number, ISBN, etc.

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    A staff member brought up the New Order screen and noted the Order number ("32030"). We're uncertain just what happened, but it seems the record disappeared. Our staff have searched for this order in the ALEPH client and on the server. There is no record of it in either place. We see that the order numbers “skip” 32030, as we can see other orders, including 32029 and 32031.

    To us, it appears that 32030 was started, never saved, so it does not appear. Can you tell us where we might find some evidence of this order, or, why we cannot find it?

    The order number which you see on the order fill-in screen when you click on "Add" to create the record, is obtained from the z52 (util g/2) "last-order-number" counter. **At the time that you see the number on the screen the counter has already been incremented.**

    If you click "Cancel" or click on an item in the tree on the left to move to a different function, or if your pc crashes or the server crashes, the record you were filling in on the screen will not be saved, and, when you click on "Order List" again, you will see that the record is not there and when you click on "Add" the order number will be the previous number + 1.

    Thus, the number is skipped.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013