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    Overdue notices not being produced for certain items

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We have certain items which have been overdue for several weeks but have never received an overdue notice: their z36_letter_number is 00. Other items *have* received overdue notices and have a z36_letter_number > 0.

    Overdue notices are produced by the p_cir_50, p_cir_51, and p_cir_52 jobs. The two main factors are tab32 and the p_cir_5n submission parameters.


    tab32 specifies the interval for the first, second, third, etc., notice for each sublibrary/item status/patron status. Make sure that all sublibraries/item statuses/patron statuses are represented. Lines with "00" in column 4 are for the first overdue notice. Column 5 determines how many days the system will wait before producing a notice.

    *p_cir_5n submission parameters*

    Check the job log in $alephe_scratch to make sure that the sublibrary, item status, and patron status filters are set in a way that *all* sublibraries/item statuses/patron statuses are accounted for in the p_cir_5n runs with a p_letter_type of "O" ("Overdue") or "A" ("All").

    Make sure that the recall filter and global block codes parameters are not preventing notices for certain items.

    The Interval calculation method "Net days" can also come into play (making closed days not be counted in the calculated interval).

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013