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    Paid invoice cannot be retrieved

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Here is the problem:

    1) We searched for the invoice using the order number
    2) This is a standing order
    3) The specific invoice we are searching for is the last one on the list.
    4) When we select the general invoice, a pop up message says: Payment status "P" freezes this invoice...
    5) When we try to search for the invoice by the invoice number after specifing the correct Vendor, however, we get the message "Invoice BLACKWELL/50011213-4 does not exist. Create?

    Why doesn't Aleph find the invoice?

    I confirmed that both the Invoice and the Line Item for the Invoice exist. The problem is that the invoice number isn't actually '50011213-4'. It's ' 50011213-4'. That is, there's a leading space.

    When you search for the invoice, enter BLACKWELL in the vendor name field. But instead of typing in the invoice number, click on the arrow to the right of the field. The invoice should show up this way.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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