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    Patron ID prefix for patrons loaded manually vs patrons loaded by PLIF

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    ABC50: Manually loaded patrons are coming up with ABCPL***** in the Patron ID field.

    This used to be a system assigned number ID****, and we used the "PL" to determine that a record was loaded with the PLIF loader. Is this something new? Can we go back to using the ID numbers without the "PL" except for PLIF?

    Since we moved to v18 the counters for last-bor-id, last-bor-id-1, were changed for all ADM's except for those who use PLIF.

    For example ABC50 uses the PLIF, and so their counters
    are the following:
    Sequence Name Value Suppress Type Prefix
    -------------------- --------- -------- ---- --------------------
    1. call-number 0 n S CN-
    2. change-file-name 2 y S
    3. last-acc-number 0 y S
    4. last-barcode-number 0 y S B
    5. last-bor-id 16145 y S ABCPL
    6. last-bor-id-1 16141 y S ABCID

    So the last-bor-id, last-bor-id-1 were never changed in v18,
    because we wanted them to keep the last-bor-id to have the xxxPL
    so then the library could identify which patrons were loaded from
    the PLIF which then show ABCPLxxxxx etc.. in the Patron ID field.

    So the problem is when a patron is loaded manually the Patron ID field
    picks up the last-bor-id code of ABCPL and assigns the next number from the counters
    so then you cannot tell from a PLIF loaded patron vs a Manually loaded patron.

    Has something changed since v16?

    The util g/2 last-bor-id values are used for *all* patron records, whether created by PLIF or online. If you have "ABCPL" as the abc50 last-bor-id prefix, then that is going to be used as the prefix for *all* new abc50 patron records.

    This was the same in v16. There has been no change in this regard.


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013