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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Problems with UEX kit after change of glogin.sql

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We have strange errors in logfile when performing UEX 18-19.

    For example we have:
    The table Z66 in ABC50 is a logical synonym

    -> But Z66 is not defined as a logical synonym in our DB.
    (There were similar messages for other tables).

    Also we see for example:
    The old table z61 description does not match the expected description.

    What does it mean?

    The UEX kits are using some SQL-scripts to find out if a synonym, table or sequence already exists in the database.
    For example /exlibris/aleph/upgrade_express_1801_1901/source/proc/oracle/check_table_synonym.sql checks if a particular table is a logical synonym.
    The UEX kit assumes that a table is NOT a synonym when the resulting file (/exlibris/aleph/a20_1/tmp/table_synonym.lst) is empty.

    In your case the problem is, that obviously you have globally turned on timing and every SQL query gives back the elapsed time.

    So in this case indeed there is always content in table_synonym.lst.

    >cat table_synonym.lst
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.40
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.07

    This is causing the "The table Znn in ABC50 is a logical synonym"-messages.

    The message
    "The old table znn description does not match the expected description."
    was caused by the fact that SQL-paramter time was globally turned on.

    We see this change in glogin.sql (where glogin.sql.uh is the original version of glogin.sql as provided by Ex Libris):

    > pwd
    > diff glogin.sql glogin.sql.uh
    < set echo on time on timing on long 10000 pagesize 80 linesize 120 pause off serveroutput on size 1000000

    Rolling back this change, has solved the problems in UEX.
    We strongly recommend not to change the parameters in glogin.sql. The Aleph tools are working best, when the original parameters are used.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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