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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Proxy is added to permission.dat automatically

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    If a "P" (proxy, "P" in column 3) line is deleted from ./pc_tab/catalog/permission.dat table, we find that UTIL-M-7 puts it back in automatically. How can we eliminate this?

    The ./util/um_07_d.cbl program reads the z66 table and, if it finds that the user has a "Z66-CATALOG-PROXY" value, it will generate a "P" line in permission.dat, making the user a proxy there also..
    So, you will need to go to the GUI Admin Permissions and change the user to *not* be a Proxy of this other user. (Of course, if you have multiple users who share the same permission.dat value, making one a proxy to another in the Admin Permissions will work just fine.) (Note that you don't need to actually add the "P" line to the permission.dat: as we have seen, the system will generate it for you.)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013