Returned Lost loans not credited
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 19.01
One of our libraries is reporting that returned Lost books are not being credited correctly. I have done some investigation, and it appears that cir_51 billed the replacement cost, but did NOT change z36_status to L. Since z36_status remained A, a credit was not generated when the items were returned. ABC50/tab/tab32 is set up to bill items to Lost with letter 03. However, reviewing the z36h and z309 records, it looks like these were billed at letter 02 for some reason.
I have verified the following in alephe/tab/tab100:
REFUND-RATE = 100 100 0
Item 000125503 for patron AB32545 was billed to lost on 2/19/10 by cir_51. The default $100.00 replacement cost was charged and exported. The item was returned on 3/4/10. A regular overdue fine was charged, and no credit was issued. The related z36h and z309 records are below:
01 z36h_loan \
02 z36h_time ....................201003041356392
02 z36h_rec_key \
03 doc_number .................000125503
03 item_sequence ..............000010
02 z36h_id ......................AB32545
02 z36h_number ..................001184435
02 z36h_material ................BOOK
02 z36h_sub_library .............ABUGL
02 z36h_status ..................A
02 z36h_loan_date ...............20091013
02 z36h_loan_hour ...............0948
02 z36h_effective_due_date ......00000000
02 z36h_due_date ................20100210
02 z36h_due_hour ................2359
02 z36h_returned_date ...........20100304
02 z36h_returned_hour ...........1356
02 z36h_item_status .............01
<see SI History tab for rest of z36h and z309's>
See Resolution to KB 6588. This is the same.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013