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    Running p_cir_23 in a multi-ADM set-up.

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    We have a multi-ADM system.
    When we run p_cir_23 for library SBR50, the $data_scratch patrons_deleted file shows that three patrons have been deleted. But when I look with the GUI Circ client, I find that they are still there.

    Can you explain why this happens?

    You ran the job for ADM library ABC50 with this parameter:

    setenv p_sub_library "ABC"

    This is saying "Delete only the ABC borrower record for library ABC50. Don't delete the ALEPH borrower record in ABC50 and don't delete any global records."

    That is not what you want.

    When you run this job with p_sub_library "ALL" for ADM library ABC50 it will delete all the ABC50 z305 records and, if there are no z305 records for other libraries, it will also delete the $usr_library Z303 and Z308 records. (If there *are* z305 borrower records for other ADM libraries, it will *not* delete the $usr_library Z303 and Z308 global records.)

    In order to delete the z305 (and, optionally, z31) records in all of the ABC50 sublibraries, you want to run the job with p_sub_library "ALL".


    But note that it is only when cir-23 is run with the ADM library "ABC50" as the p_sub_library that the z303 (global patron) and z308 (patron ID) records will be deleted.  And that this will happen only if there are no other z305 records for the patron.  

    Note: You may also want to look at p_cir_77, which is specifically intended for the multi-ADM situation:
    on the Documentation center under: Aleph > Support > How To from Support by subject > Circulation

    Additional Information

    As noted in the article " Deleting/purging patron and cash records **MASTER RECORD** ", cir-77 does *not* handle the deletion of z31 (Cash) records.  This is an important limitation.  If you want/need to delete cash records, cir-23 will need to be used.


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013