SIP2: Empty patron password
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 21
How does Aleph SIP2 server respond to Patron Information Request (63) where the patron password field is empty?
(e.g. |AD|)
Would it still supply patron information such as the patron email address |BE….| even if the password is empty?
1) In SIP2 messages 23 (Patron Status Request), 35 (End Patron Session), 37 (Fee Paid) and 63 (Patron Information) Aleph is checking switch pin_required from tab_sip2.conf.
If it is Y, the station *must* send a password (AD) as otherwise Aleph will not call up any patron information (including field BE).
If it is N, the password (AD) is not mandatory in these messages.
2) If the station is sending field password (AD) and it is not empty, it must have the correct value.
That means that even when pin_required = N, Aleph will not sent patron information if the password is wrong. pin_required = N only allows empty password but not wrong passwords.
- Article last edited: 7/15/2014