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    SIP2 Authentification: which user is used to access the SIP2 server?

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23


    SIP2-Authentification: which user is used to access the SIP2 Server?


    [Most activities on the SIP2 Server are circulation functions (such as checkout).   These require that the user have a valid patron ID -- normally a machine-readable ID.   Aleph allows for an additional level of security via the specification of "pin-required = Y" in the xxx50 tab_sip2.conf table. ]  

    "SELFCHECK" is the hardcoded default value of all cataloger-activity (such as hold requests) in SIP2 server.  (This is what goes into the z37_cataloger_name in the case of a hold request.)  
    If you want to use a different value, the SIP2 machine has to send a SIP2 message 93 (Login) with a valid login (=staff user in Aleph).
    Then this cataloger will be used instead of "SELFCHECK".

    Additional Information

    Note that the cataloger sent by message 93 is valid until the connection between machine and SIP2 server is terminated.
    If the telnet connection is terminated (either on purpose or because of a network problem) the machine would have to send a new message 93 as otherwise Aleph will switch back to the default "SELFCHECK".

    More details about authentification can be found in article " SelfCheck: setting up authentification on SIP2 server? "

    Category: Circulation/ALEPH

    Subject: Self check (500) - ALEPH

    • Article last edited: 6/25/2019