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    Saving a group of records (with non-sequential doc numbers) for later retrieval

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    One of our catalogers has a list of document numbers (non-sequential) for cataloging records that he’d like to be able to keep grouped together, so that he can easily find them again.

    Is there a way for Aleph to find and save a group of records like this? We’re doing some experimenting with the “retrieve catalog records” reports but even that just creates a printout and not a way to click into the records and see their information (without just pulling them up by document number again).

    [From Beth Brennan, MIT, on Global Aleph Users list:]
    I would suggest adding some text that can be uniquely searched via your indexes and then the group could be collected via ret_03, or via the OPAC or GUI search clients as well. We have an index set up on the 946 which is where we put 'project identifier' when we are working with a set of records we'd like to collect again. You can do a global change (manage_21) on the set to add the code. I'm not sure what your indexing setup is like, or how possible it is for you to add a new index, so you may need to do some sluething to find the best place to place your identifier in your local catalog.

    [From Maggie Horn, SUNY-OLIS:]
    Have you experimented with “My Records” (top pane of the “Show” screen). This saves as a list to your local file, if I remember correctly, for later retrieval.

    [From Fang Peng, SUNY-Stony Brook:]
    I think you can take advantage of CCL to achieve the catalog needs since you have list of document number.
    What I have done for retrieving the e-journal list from Aleph. WUR is keyword index for 856 field. So I used services -- global change( manage_21) inserted $$aSerialsSolution into 856 field.
    The query WUR=serialssolut* will bring the set of e-journal list from Web an GUI.
    I have created an "Unique Collection". For example, We have special fund to buy some books which would be located in different library and collections. So it is hard to retrieve in group. All the records has 590 or 990 or 730 (not sure, forgot already). then I created an index WUC which will index 590 $$z ( I made up) . then insert code (like SUNYSHARED) into the records. now it is easy to retrieve them from Web and GUI.

    [From Gwyneth Duncan, Duke U.:]
    If this is truly a static list, you can take the list of document numbers, make sure you have the “xxx01” on the end of each doc number, and save it to $alephe_scratch with an 8-character or less filename. Then, in Cataloging, you can go to the “Find” screen. Look in the lower right where there are some buttons with only “Load” highlighted. Click “Load”, then give it the filename you created with the document numbers and you’ll have a retrieval set just as if you had just searched them.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013