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    Searching for job names in eService: normalization of hyphen and underscore

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    How should we search for job names in the eService: "p_manage_01"? "p-manage-01"? "manage-01"? All of them?

    The hyphen is normalized to a blank in the eService searching; the underscore is not so normalized.

    The "official" form of job names (the way they appear in the $aleph_proc) is with underscores: p_manage_01, p_cir_51, etc. Generally, this is how they have been entered into the KB records.

    When you search on "manage-01" you retrieve all of the following: "manage-01", "p-manage-01", and "manage 01". You do not retrieve p_manage_01.

    We try to enter the job names in multiple forms to facilitate retrieval, but have not always done so.

    If you want to be certain to retrieve everything, you should search as follows:

    a search on "p_manage_01", and a separate search on exact phrase "manage-01"

    a search on "p_cir_51", and a separate search on exact phrase "cir-51"


    Note 1: Our tests show that the underscore *is* normalized to a blank in the Documentation Center, so "manage-01" gives you everything: "manage 01", manage-01, p_manage_01, and p-manage-01.

    Note 2: When you do a ps -ef grep on a job name to locate running processes, you should omit the "p_" prefix, that is, you would do " ps -ef | grep manage_01 ". See Note 1: Our tests show that the underscore *is* normalized to a blank in the Documentation Center, so "manage-01" gives you everything: "manage 01", manage-01, p_manage_01, and p-manage-01.

    Note 2: When you do a grep on a job name to locate running processes, you should omit the "p_" prefix, that is, you would do " ps -ef | grep manage_01 ". See KB 4098 for details.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013