Time Needed to Run manage-15 in Very Large Databases
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 16 and up
Are there any estimates as to how long it will take to run p_manage_15 against in the BIB library?
Will it lock the library?
This job does not lock the library.
Here are some facts for time calculation:
In a BIB library with 106,426 z01 records, this job took 2 minutes.
68,629,062 z01 records, it should take approx. 21 hours
In a BIB library with 2002131 z00 records (last-doc-number in util g 2) manage-15 takes often at least 24 hours.
In a AUT library with 31,071,255 z01 records, it would take approx. 8 hours.
(keywords: p_manage_15, manage_15 p-manage-15 time estimate)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013