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    Unable to find Local Patron Information" on all loan transactions

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We are currently in post-upgrade transition with our staff from v15 to v18.

    Every time I try to loan an item I get an 'unable to find local user information' message.

    [After diagnostics in the pc_cir_c0441 program showed that it was trying to look for an "XARCV" sublibrary, which is one of the USM50 sublibraries....]

    The problem is the following line in the abc50 tab_attr_sub_library:


    tab_attr_sub_library says what pc's can perform circ transactions for what sublibraries. **Since each ADM library has its own tab_attr_sub_library, it should include only that library's sublibraries.**

    See also KB 16384-59457.

    Also, as noted in the tab_attr_sub_library header, the type 4, Reading Room, line is special:

    ! Use type 4 to define a Reading Room workstation.
    ! It is important to note that when there is a Reading Room
    ! sublibrary defined for an Station ID/IP address it means
    ! that all the loan transactions performed at this Station
    ! ID/IP address will be treated as Reading Room loans.
    ! This means that the item's sublibrary will change to the
    ! Reading Room and will remain as such as long as the item
    ! is on loan. When the item is returned, the item's
    ! sublibrary will change back according to the item's
    ! original sublibrary (Z30_SUB_LIBRARY). When a Station
    ! ID/IP station serves a regular sublibrary (that is, not
    ! a Reading Room sublibrary),type 4 should be left empty.

    Since you have this "4 XARCV ABCRR" line as part of the wildcard "*.*.*.*" entry, that means that *all* circ transactions at *all* pc's are going to be considered Reading Room transactions for sublibrary XARCV.

    If ABCRR is a Reading Room sublibrary, then you need to have a separate entry in tab_attr_sub_library **which is for the PC's in ABCRR only**.

    If ABCRR is a Course Reserve sublibrary (not Reading Room), then you should delete the "4 XARCV ABCRR" line and restart the pc_server.

    If this doesn't seem relevant, see also KB 16384-7186.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013