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    Update of Course Period does not update all related Bib Records

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    This may be isolated, but I cannot figure out what it going on....

    Looking at the course number in our circ module: SW881. In circ there are 34 documents attached to SW881. We Updated the course period from NA to Spring Semester. This action does not seem to update all of the related bib records.

    For example, if you go to our course reserve catalog ( ) , you see that only 33 (instead of 34) records are displaying.

    The list is missing the title "Capturing the cumulative effects of school reforms: an 11-year study of the impacts of America's choice on student achievement", a local ABC30 bib record. The ABC30 MARC record for this title has a system number of 000074822, but the Bib Info tab in the Circ/Reserves Module displays a "Connect SysNo" of 000101649, which may be part of the issue.

    Looking at abc30 doc record 000101649, I see this:

    CNO L $$aSw881^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0001

    When I dlib to abc50 and do util f/4 for z108 "Sw881", it doesn't find it; it skips to course TH001.01.

    But when I enter "SW881" as the z108 key, it *does* find the SW881 course.

    The difference is that in the second case I am entering the "w" in upper case.

    Updating the "Sw881" in the abc30 doc 101649 to "SW881" (in GUI Cataloging, connected to ABC30) and letting the abc30 ue_01 process it (to make any necessary index updates) corrected this problem.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013