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    User name shows in "Permitted Libraries" column of Staff Privileges

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    In the staff users list (in Staff Privileges), the "Permitted Libraries" column sometimes shows the person’s name and, sometimes, is blank. In *no* case does it show a library.

    The display of the z66_name in the "Permitted Libraries" column of the Staff Privileges user list, is caused by the ADMIN_PASSWORD_LIST lines in the ABC01 pc_tab_col.eng. (And, in the case of a Proxy, the ADMIN_PROXY_LIST lines.)

    The distributed pc_tab_col.eng -- as seen in ./usm01/tab has these lines:

    ADMIN_PASSWORD_LIST L User ID 01 032 01 C01 User ID
    ADMIN_PASSWORD_LIST L Name 02 000 01 C01 Name
    ADMIN_PASSWORD_LIST L Department 03 000 01 C01 Department
    ADMIN_PASSWORD_LIST L Expiry Date 04 000 01 C01 Expiry Date
    ADMIN_PASSWORD_LIST L Permitted libraries 05 068 01 C01 Permitted libraries

    ADMIN_PROXY_LIST L User Name 01 100 01 C01 User Name
    ADMIN_PROXY_LIST L Name 02 000 01 C01 Name
    ADMIN_PROXY_LIST L Department 03 000 01 C01 Department
    ADMIN_PROXY_LIST L Expiry Date 04 000 01 C01 Expiry Date
    ADMIN_PROXY_LIST L Permitted libraries 05 000 01 C01 Permitted libraries

    Note: The Permitted libraries line has "05" as the "defined element" in the fourth column. The reason that we see only the User ID and the libraries displaying in the v20 USM user list is that column 1 of the usm01 pc_tab_col.eng has 32%, column 5 has 68%, and cols. 2, 3, and 4 each have 0%.

    The v18 pc_tab_col.eng had only two columns:

    ADMIN_PASSWORD_LIST L User Name 01 032 01 C01 User Name
    ADMIN_PASSWORD_LIST L Permitted libraries 02 068 01 C01 Permitted libraries

    Note that the Permitted libraries line has "02" as the "defined element" in the fourth column. In v20 it needs to have "05".

    The current ABC01 pc_tab_col.eng has this v18 form.

    You need to correct this and then restart the pc_server.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013