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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Web request goes to advance booking screen

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    For all the issue items created since upgrading from v14.2 to v16.02, when requesting the item from the holdings screen, it goes to "items schedule" or the advance booking screen instead of the the item request screen.
    An additional symptom is that, when searching for them in the CIRC GUI, you see that they all have a date under the "Due Date" that is a date "Expected on"..
    We are not using the Serials module or the Acquisitons module. Items are put in as "Issues" to get the sorting to work correctly, and this may be tied to the problem. Please advise.

    3 changes were required to correct this:.
    1. Delete the xxx50 tab43.
    2. Drop/create the xxx50 z321 (the advance booking table).
    3. Use this SQL to update the z30_arrival_date:.
    SQL-xxx50> UPDATE z30 set z30_arrival_date = z30_expected_arrival_date where z30_material = 'ISSUE' and z30_arrival_date = '00000000' and z30_expected_arrival_date != '00000000';

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013