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    What clean-up/maintenance routines should be run on the server? How often?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    What clean-up/maintenance routines should be run on the server? How often?

    There are three parts to clean-up:

    (1) Reinitializing temporary Znn tables: [Note: This applies to version 16-up.]

    clear_vir01 (util-x-8) needs to be run periodically to clean out the (temporary) files in the VIR01 library. (The former util-a utilities -- util-a-10, util-a-11, util-a-12-b, and util-a-15 -- have been removed, since they are covered by clear_vir01.) And util-a-12-c to reinitialize the z50 ADM library sort lock table.

    We suggest job_list entries like these:

    01 11:35:00 Y VIR01 clear_vir01 VIR01
    00 23:00:00 Y xxx50 util_a_12_c xxx50

    * xxx50 = your ADM library(s).

    The clear_vir01 and util_a_12_c are typically run nightly, but could be run weekly at libraries with available space.

    (2) Deletion of older Circ and OPAC statistics records

    Sites will usually want to delete older records from the xxx50 z35 (Circ events), z30h (item history, z36h (loan history), z37h (request history) and xxx01 z69 (OPAC transaction) tables. This would be done once all the statistics for a particular time-period have been gathered. Prior to version 22, it would need to be done via SQL, but, with the 22.1 Minor release, rep_change 2020, util x/13 has been added do this.

    As described in KB's 8192-2130 and 8192-2055, the $pw_library z34 and xxx01 z35 OPAC transaction files are obsolete. (Note: the xxx50 z35 *is* still needed.)

    (3) Deleting obsolete work files/logs: These directories usually grow more slowly than the Oracle tables covered above in #1. They are handled in UTIL-X (See the updated UTIL X chapter in the "Aleph UTIL Menus" document, version 18.)

    Note: the /files directory contains certain files (que_batch_lock, que_batch_status, que_batch, lib_batch_log, batch_log) which should be preserved . Other, outdated .seq backup, transfer, or indexing work files can be deleted.

    Additional Information

    faq, clean-up, maintenance, server

    • Article last edited: 3/19/2014