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    Writing of Z07 records in the HOL and ADM libraries

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Why are Z07 records written in the xxx50 (ADM) and xxx60 (HOL) libraries?

    The update_docx program writes a z07 for *any* doc record which is updated. Though sites typically don't have indexes defined in the xxx50 or xxx60 libraries, it *is* possible to do so and the program needs to allow for this possibility. Thus, the update of an ADM doc record will cause a z07 record to be written in the xxx50 and the update of an HOL record, in the xxx60.

    In addition, certain other routines also generate z07 records. For instance, the io_z30 program writes a z07 to the associated bib library(s) since item record fields can be expanded into bib records as part of *their* indexing.

    ue_01 does *not* need to be run in the xxx50 or xxx60 if you don't have any indexes there. Specifically, it does not *need* to be running in order for z07 records to be created in the bib library -- the z30 and HOL update processes do that themselves (see KB 4140). (But if it *is* running, then it will (also) generate bib updates....)

    To see if you are building indexes in the xxx50 or xxx60, check the following tables in the xxx50/xxx60 $data_tab: tab11_acc, tab_11_ind, and tab11_word.

    Removing xxx50 from the aleph_start.private WORD_STARTUP_LIBS will prevent ue_01 from starting automatically for xxx50. But, in this scenario, you will need to delete the xxx50 z07's periodically (with either util a/17/1 for z07 or with SQL.)

    {Note: There is no *harm* in running ue_01 against an xxx50 or xxx60 library. It's just that having this procedure running constantly requires four processes (two for each library), occupying system resources unnecessarily.}

    Additional Information

    Z07, ADM, HOL

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013