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    Z52 and UTIL-G-2 Values in Upgrade

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    In the course of upgrading from one version to another, you find that the z52 (used to produce the UTIL-G-2 display) doesn't exist.
    So you use UTIL-G-3 to create it.
    Why did this happen?

    The UTIL-G-3 should really only be used with a brand-new library. You should get the z52 from the old version and load it. Or, you can do UTIL-G-3 and then use the UTIL-G-2 update to give it the same values that you see in the old version..
    The following UTIL-G-2 parameters should never be zero or blank (after initial installation):.
    * last-doc-number (in all libraries with a z00 table; must be equal to or higher than the highest z00_doc_number).
    * max-z02-count (in libraries which have Browse indexes; a value of "0" will cause browses to all show as "1+" instead of having the number of titles; the standard value is "50").
    * last-bor-id (in $usr_library only; must be equal to or higher than the highest user-key/z303_rec_key).
    * last-loan-number (in ADM library; must be equal to or higher than the highest z36_number or z36h_number -- whichever is higher).
    * last-barcode-number (in ADM library; if you let the system assign *item* barcode numbers).
    * last-order-number and last-order-no-xxxx (in ADM library; must be equal to or higher than the highest z68_order_number; not used if acq.ini has "PrefixString=DocNo").
    * last-cash-transfer (in ADM library; if you export cash records).
    These UTIL-G-2 display parameters can be zero:.
    * session-id (in vir01 only; used by www_server; set to zero by clear_vir01).
    * last-file-number (in vir01 only; used by z39_gate; set to zero by clear_vir01).
    * last-z34-sequence (in $pw_library only; set to zero by UTIL-A-13).
    * library-lock-status ("0" indicates unlocked; must exist in every library).
    * change-file-name (must exist in every library doing global changes).
    These parameters can be zero only if you are planning to re-index:
    * last-acc-number
    * last-long-acc-number
    * last-word-number
    * last-z0101-sequence..
    Note: The preceding lists do not include all parameters in each category. They include ones which Ex Libris Support has encountered problems with.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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