acq-17: "File size too large"
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 21
Problem Symptoms:
The $alephe_scratch/ p_acq_17 job log, produced by the acq-17 ("List of Orders per Budget") Service, has the following errors:
I/O error : file 'TP1'
error code: 9/194 (ANS74), pc=0, call=1, seg=0
194 File size too large
I/O error : file 'FORM_IN'
error code: 9/194 (ANS74), pc=0, call=1, seg=0
194 File size too large
The xxx50 $data_scratch/acq_17_01 temporary file exceeds the file size limit of 2 GB.
acq-17 needs to be run with parameters which produce a smaller output file.
The variables at work here are the budget number:
setenv p_budget_number "SPAN_FMO-2-13"
and the hierarchy:
setenv p_hierarchy "Y"
Run the job with a different budget number and/or with "Use Hierarchy Budget" = "N".
Note: It seems that, once a greater-than-2GB acq_17_01 is generated, all p_acq_17 runs (regardless of the budget-numbers) will fail with the above-described errors, and the bad, greater-than-2GB acq_17_01 will *not* be overwritten as it should be. We have found that the bad acq_17_01 file needs to be deleted or renamed before any subsequent acq-17 runs will be successful.
Category: Acquisitions (500)
Subject: Services (500)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013