acq-17: " Oracle error: fetch z30 ... variable not in select list"
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 21
Problem Symptoms:
The acq-17 (List of Orders per Budget")
* $alephe_scratch log has repeated occurrences of the following error message:
Oracle error: fetch z30
ORA-01007: variable not in select list
* while The GUI Task Manager Job Log shows:
Status: Done with errors
Errors: Error found in log file: ORA-01007: variable not in select list
Since the job was producing the desired output it was decided that these messages could be ignored.
Additional Information
It seemed that the acq-17 was reading the $usr_library z30 (Item) table -- which existed (with 0 records), when it should not have. (The z30 should be found only in ADM libraries, which this usr_library was not.)
After this z30 was dropped, the job log showed the following messages instead:
Oracle error: update_cursor1 z30
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
Category: Acquisitions (500)
Subject: Services (500)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013