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    file-20: "conflict between Z305-SUB-LIBRARY and Z305-BOR-STATUS"

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    The file-20 job log has the message:
    Error 0202 : conflict between Z305-SUB-LIBRARY and Z305-BOR-STATUS (check tab31) .
    The $data_scratch/p_file_20_report, this message:
    check_z305 routine failed. Can not ins/upd record. cur-id ......
    and multiple occurrences of this message:
    Unable to process record due to problems in other records

    And the z303, z304, z305, and z308 records for this patron are not updated.

    Resolution, part 1
    The following command shows that tab31 has 1173 lines:

    aleph@alephapp1(a22_2) XXX50> cat tab31 | wc -l

    The tab31 header says this:
    ! The table is limited to 1000 lines.

    Commented lines are not included in the line-count; and about 140 of the lines are comments. Thus, the number of active lines exceeds 1,000 by about 33.

    Resolution, part 2

    Even though the number of active (uncommented) lines in tab31 is fewer than 1000, the error can occur if a particular sublibrary/patron status combination found in the input file is not found in tab31, either explicitly or via wildcard.

    Diagnostics were added to the ./check_record/check_z305 program to see, at the point where the 202 error is being issued, what sublibrary/patron status combination is triggering it.

    Additional Information

    Article 000045174  (p_file_20: Unable to process record ... check_z305 routine failed. ) describes a related cause of these messages.

    Article 000038023 ( file-20: "conflict between Z305-SUB-LIBRARY and Z305-BOR-STATUS" ) discusses how a z305 with the sublibrary code in bytes 13-16 of the z305_rec_key is not normally required.  Thus, reducing the size of tab31 and the PLIF input file dramatically.  

    Category: Circulation

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013