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    manage-05: "create_library_file_name - no env variable found for _dev"; tab40, tab15

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    Problem Symptoms:

    The manage-05 (Update Direct Index) log has:

    * 10 of these errors:
    Error: create_library_file_name - no env variable found for _dev
    defaulting to aleph_dev.... tab40
    Error: create_library_file_name - no env variable found for _dev
    defaulting to aleph_dev.... tab15

    * and these, later:
    Info: Empty table /tmp/utf_files/exlibris/aleph/a21_1//tab/tab40.eng
    Info: Empty table /tmp/utf_files/exlibris/aleph/a21_1//tab/tab15.eng


    Diagnostics added (by Ex Libris staff) to the b_manage_05_a program showed that all of the bib records which got these errors had an item with sublibrary xxxxx -- where sublibrary xxxxx was *not* in $alephe_tab/tab_sub_library.lng.



    Execute the following SQL:

    s+ xxx50
    SQL> select unique z30_sub_library from z30 order by z30_sub_library;

    Then check in $alephe_tab/tab_sub_library.lng to see if any of them are missing. If so, the missing sublibrary code needs to be added to tab_sub_library.lng -- or the sublibrary in the item record and (if linked to an HOL record) the HOL record needs to be changed to a code which *is* in tab_sub_library.lng.


    Additional Information

    The same solution applies also for other indexing runs when the same error occurs, such as 'Rebuild Word Index' (manage-01).



    • Article last edited: 07-Feb-2017