manage-21: global change of headings containing commas
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local; Total Care
Unable to perform global changes on text strings that include commas, such as inverted subject headings.
Looking at the p_manage_21 batch log and history , it appears that the comma is being interpreted as a parameter separator instead of part of the text string. For example, to change all occurrences of the subject heading "Sociology, Christian" to "Christian sociology", we have tried replacing the comma with a # in the p_manage_21 "replace this text" box, but this has not worked, either.
Is there another way to do this?
p_manage_21 (v18, rep_change 1491) can handle replacing commas, it needs to be input as \%2C. In this particular case the input string would be Sociology\%2C Christian .
The apostrophe (Hex "27") would be input as: \%27 .
A complete list of the Hexadecimal representations of ASCII characters can be found at (in the "Hx" column).
Additional Information
1. It seems that the decimal representation of a comma "," might also work: Sociology, Christian.
2. Replacing the comma with a question mark usually works..
The example tested was to replace 'Israeli literature, Fiction' with 'Israeli literature fiction'..
The replace text in p_manage_21 was therefore - 'Israeli literature? Fiction'..
3. Another site has noted: The method we've used for years is to take advantage of the parameters file that manage-21 creates each time you run it. Something like global-01123 in $data_files on the server.
You can run your change in no-update mode, using some character other than the comma, then edit the global-xxxxx file it creates, inserting the comma.
Then run p_manage_21 again, insert the global-xxxxx filename into parameter 4, leaving the other params that detail the change blank.
4. Other solutions are to use the Generic Fix program - fix_doc_do_file_08, (see "How to Set Up a Script for the Correction of Records in ALEPH Sequential Format"), or to manage the correction through Authorities Control, or using the Correct Heading option.
Category: Cataloging
- Article last edited: 10/23/2015