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    optimize z91_context_index in job_list

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Is this what we should have in our job list? This is what appeared after upgrade to v. 18:

    W1 00:00:00 Y ABC30 optimize_z91_context_index ABC30
    W1 00:00:00 Y ABC20 optimize_z91_context_index ABC20
    W1 00:00:00 Y ABC01 optimize_z91_context_index ABC01
    W1 00:00:00 Y ABC30 optimize_z91_context_index ABC30
    W1 00:00:00 Y ABC20 optimize_z91_context_index ABC20
    W1 00:00:00 Y ABC01 optimize_z91_context_index ABC01
    W1 00:00:00 Y ABC30 optimize_z91_context_index ABC30
    W1 00:00:00 Y ABC20 optimize_z91_context_index ABC20
    W1 00:00:00 Y ABC01 optimize_z91_context_index ABC01
    W1 00:00:00 Y ABC30 optimize_z91_context_index ABC30
    W1 00:00:00 Y ABC20 optimize_z91_context_index ABC20
    W1 00:00:00 Y ABC01 optimize_z91_context_index ABC01

    As described in the "ADAM Version 18 For System Librarian" PowerPoint attached to KB 7203, the optimize_z91_context_index process is related to ADAM. ADAM is the Aleph Digital Asset Management module. (It does many of the same things as Digitool but handles only MARC records.) It requires a separate license.

    Sites which are not using ADAM do not want or need to run the optimize_z91_context_index and should eliminate any optimize_z91_context_index" lines from the job_list. (And do util e/15/2 to kill the Job Daemon, followed by util e/15/1 to start it -- to make the preceding job_list change take effect.)

    The "System Librarian’s Guide - ADAM" document has more information on ADAM.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013