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    p_cir_13: Preventing Generation of Recall Cancellation Letter

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    Our workflow is to not inform the patron that a recall has been cancelled. As a result, we do not send the loan-recall-3 letter by email, and the letters print and are discarded by the library staff. Is there a way to prevent the cancellation letter (loan-recall-3) from being generated at all?

    There is a "Reset Due Date of Cancelled Requests" option on the p_cir_13 submission screen. If this is set to "N", then the due date will not be changed (back to the original) and no cancellation letter will be produced.

    If you *do* want the due date to be changed back to the original but do not want a cancellation letter produced, then the only option is to rename (add an extension, for example) all the loan-recall-3 files in the form_eng directory. This will result in an error message in the job log but should not otherwise affect the processing.


    Note: If your Circulation policies are such that the recall does *not* result in any change to the due-date, then there is really no purpose in sending the recall cancellation letter.   If your policies *do* result in such a change, then the recall cancellation letter will inform the patron that the due-date has reverted back to the original.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013