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    p_file_20 msg 5042: "Successed to table z303 with modification restrictions"

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    With the PLIF, in the report log of a file, we have sometimes this message

    + <msg-code>5042</msg-code>
    + <msg-desc>Successed to table z303 with modification restrictions. cur-id ABC-27010 .</msg-desc>

    Normally we have a 5001 message to inform us everything is ok. But we don't understand the 5042 message. The information isn't updated in the ALEPH database. Do you have some information for this error code.

    This is the English text of the message (in the $aleph_root/error_eng):

    p_file_20:5042 0000 L Successed to $2 table $1 with modification restrictions. cur-id $3.

    We see that patron ABC-27010 has the z303_plif_modification set:

    02 z303_rec_key \
    03 id ........................ABC-27010
    02 z303_proxy_for_id ...........
    02 z303_plif_modification ......A B D E

    Each letter indicates a particular kind of record which should not be updated by p_file_20. "A B D E" indicates that the z304 and z305 should not be updated.

    See KB 16384-51 for details.

    The message which you see indicates: "Despite the plif_modification restrictions, we have been able to update the z303 record." If the USER-REC segment in the PLIF input file is the same as the existing z303, then this message will be written but no actual change will occur in the z303 record -- except the z303_update_date, which will be updated to today's date.

    (keywords: Z303-PLIF-MODIFICATION p_file_20 file_20 p-file-20)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013