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    p_item_05: Execution error : file '/exlibris/aleph/a16_3/aleph/exe/date_x_n.gnt

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    When running p_item_05 on PROD for NFG with the following criteria:

    start NFG50,914.000,916.999,1,1,NFGCA,ANONF,Y,,Y,,nfg-item05-nfgca-lmw1,N,02,
    Fixed param: NFG50,914.000,916.999,1,1,NFGCA,ANONF,Y,,Y,,nfg-item05-nfgca-lmw1,N,02,
    setenv p_active_library "NFG50"
    setenv p_location_from "914.000"
    setenv p_location_to "916.999"
    setenv p_location_type "1"
    setenv p_location_number "1"
    setenv p_sub_library "NFGCA"
    setenv p_collection "ANONF"
    setenv p_status_inc_exc "Y"
    setenv p_item_status ""
    setenv p_p_status_inc_exc "Y"
    setenv p_item_p_status ""
    setenv p_output_file_name "nfg-item05-nfgca-lmw1"
    setenv p_update_db "N"
    setenv p_form_no "02"

    The following error is generated:

    Load: /tmp/utf_files/exlibris/aleph/u16_3/alephe/error_eng/format_due_date

    Execution error : file '/exlibris/aleph/a16_3/aleph/exe/date_x_n.gnt'
    error code: 114, pc=0, call=55, seg=0
    114 Attempt to access item beyond bounds of memory (Signal 11)

    Load: /exlibris/aleph/u16_3/nfg50/tab/tab14
    mv: cannot access /exlibris/aleph/u16_3/nfg50/scratch/item_05_2

    The criteria appear to work fine for other sublibraries but not this one (NFGCA).

    p_item_05 is executing pc_print_form which is calling form_xml_translate which is calling date_x_n.

    Diagnostics in form_xml_translate show that it is stopping on item 000121124000010.

    This item has a defective z30_date_last_return of "00070731".

    The following SQL retrieves 13 items with a z30_date_last_return of "00070731":

    SQL-NFG50> select z30_rec_key from z30 where z30_date_last_return = '00070731';

    This is a more general SQL which retrieves 50 items whose z30_date_last_return begins with "0006", "0007", or "0008":

    SQL-NFG50> select z30_rec_key, z30_date_last_return from z30 where z30_date_last_return > 0 and z30_date_last_return <


    It seems these years *should* be "2006", "2007", and "2008" respectively.

    They can be corrected by the following SQL:

    SQL-NFG50> update z30 set Z30_DATE_LAST_RETURN = Z30_DATE_LAST_RETURN + 20000000 where z30_date_last_return > 0 and

    z30_date_last_return < 19000000;

    (Be sure to back up the z30 table -- using p_file_03 -- before performing such an update.)

    p_item_05 should then run successfully.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013