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    p_manage_02 Run Modes

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    In v16, there are 4 options in p-manage-02 "Procedure to Run":
    I want to run the manage-02 job from the command line.
    How do we know what numbers are assigned to the options above without actually running the job and destroying the index?

    0" is "Update headings index";.
    "1" is "Rebuild entire";.
    "2" is "Rebuild links between headings and records"; and.
    "3" is "Update headings index (when using a multilingual Thesaurus)".

    When p_manage_02 follows p_manage_102, it should be run with "0".

    If you look at the ./pc_b_eng/p-manange-02.xml, you can see the code for each setting, for instance:.
    <display>Update headings index</display>.
    This is true for *all* of the GUI Service jobs..

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013