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    manage-12: sequence for BIB, ADM, HOL, and Course libraries *MASTER RECORD*

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23


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    [You should not normally need to run "Create Links Between Records (manage-12)". Please first consult with Ex Libris Customer Support to verify that running "Create Links Between Records (manage-12)" is necessary. We are recommending a different sequence than previously. See below.]

    Since they run in different libraries, the jobs will *not* be properly queued by the batch queues if you submit them at the same time via the GUI Services.

    First, you need to do util a/17/1 (drop and create) for the z103 in the xxx01, xxx60, and xxx30 libraries -- since you will be running these jobs with "N" for "Delete records".

    Then, you need to do one of two things:

    1. Submit the jobs in the order shown via the help in the GUI Services, submitting the next only after the previous one has finished.

    2. Create a "super-proc", p_manage_12_super, which will run them sequentially:

    csh -f $aleph_proc/p_manage_12 xxx50,Y,Y,000000000,999999999,8 > & $alephe_scratch/abc50_p_manage_12.1005.js.log
    csh -f $aleph_proc/p_manage_12 xxx01,N,Y,000000000,999999999,8 > & $alephe_scratch/abc01_p_manage_12.1005.js.log
    csh -f $aleph_proc/p_manage_12 xxx60,N,Y,000000000,999999999,8 > & $alephe_scratch/abc60_p_manage_12.1005.js.log
    csh -f $aleph_proc/p_manage_12 xxx30,N,Y,000000000,999999999,8 > & $alephe_scratch/abc30_p_manage_12.1005.js.log &

    This has "8" as the number of processes. You may want to adjust this.

    Note that only the last of these csh's has an ampersand at the end. That is necessary to make them run in sequence.

    Then you would submit the super-proc like this:

    csh -f p_manage_12_super > & p_manage_12_super.log &

    Note that the "Delete all Links?" flag is set to "Y" only for the first (ADM) run. Previously, we recommended setting to "Y" for all runs.


    Category: Background processing (500)

    Subject: Indexing (500)

    • Article last edited: 22-July-2016