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    p_manage_17 has only two cycles

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    Is there any way to speed up p_manage_17?

    After confirming with util g/2 that the last-long-acc-number is 0, we submitted: csh -f $aleph_proc/p_manage_17 abc01,C,10,

    10 processes are running but only two are doing anything because the cycles file only has two entries. vmstat shows the machine 98% idle most of the time.

    The b_build_cycle_table_long_head program takes the number of processes specified and multiplies it by 2 to determine how many cycles to create.

    In version 16, the number of cycles is only one byte. Therefore, it is taking the "1" (the first digit of "10") and multiplying it by 2, to get 2 cycles.

    Submit the job specifying "9" as the number of processes instead.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013