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    p_publish_06 with 'last handled' parameter doesn't create any tar file

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local; Total Care

    After successfully producing an initial file, trying to produce an ongoing file based on last handled date. Edited and filed the record with bib sys no: 468007 which is in the SFXCO base. The parameters for publish-06 are:

    start XXX01,SFXCO,LAST-DATE,000000000,999999999,00000000,99999999,,/wrkspace2/publish/SFXCO/inc,Y,01,
    Fixed param: XXX01,SFXCO,LAST-DATE,000000000,999999999,00000000,99999999,,/wrkspace2/publish/SFXCO/inc,Y,01,
    setenv p_active_library "XXX01"
    setenv p_publish_set "SFXCO"
    setenv p_publish_type "LAST-DATE"
    setenv p_start_doc_number_x "000000000"
    setenv p_end_doc_number_x "999999999"
    setenv p_date_from "00000000"
    setenv p_date_to "99999999"
    setenv p_input_file_name ""
    setenv p_path "/wrkspace2/publish/SFXCO/inc"
    setenv p_update_flag "Y"
    setenv p_no_process_x "01"

    Tried running it in both the ADM and BIB library. It does produce a log file (p_publish_06_b_SFXCO.log) in $data_scratch that just says no tar file produced.

    The util_e_01.20935 log file has the following error for this bib record:

    alloc error: cbl_util.c size : -1.

    It seems to be processing a bib record that I haven't edited (HANDLING DOC NO. - XXX01.002777649) and
    doesn't ever process mine. And I don't see 468007 being processed by util_e_21.

    Tried restarting ue_01 and ue_21 three times, then editing record 468007; ue_01_z0102 always tries to
    process the 2777649 record and always produces the same alloc error. ue_21 doesn't ever process the 468007 record.

    Could this be causing the failure of publish-06 or am I missing some other piece of the publishing puzzle? Shouldn't editing and filing a bib record produce a z07p record that should then get picked up by publish-06 with 'last handled date"?

    p_publish_06 with "LAST HANDLED" looks for z00p records for this publishing set whose Z00P_TIMESTAMP is greater than the $aleph_tab/tab_publish_timestamp value. Looking on aleph1-18(2), tab_publish_timestamp currently has 20090923 for SFXCO (which should be fine).

    But the following SQL shows that there are no eligible z00p records:

    xxx50@ALEPH11> select count(*) from z00p where Z00P_TIMESTAMP > '200909231806305' and Z00P_SET = 'SFXCO';


    1 row selected.

    xxx50@ALEPH11> select count(*) from z00p where Z00P_TIMESTAMP > '200909231806305'
    2 ;


    The problem is the failing ue_01_z0102. That is described in KB 16384-20994. (See link below.)
    Correcting that problem let ue_01_z0102 process the record, so that the z00p was updated and then p_publish_06 was also able to run.

    Additional Information

    KB 16384-20994/Article 000047046:  ue_01_z0102 crashing with "alloc error: cbl_util.c" error message

    KB 16384-14146/Article 000042691 Aleph Z00P records not Written when xxx01 Records updated **MASTER RECORD**  describes what needs to happen in order for z00p records to be updated.

    Category: Publishing

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013