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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    ue_01 and ue_08 in a v16 union catalog environment

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    CDL is requesting clarification of the correct daemon set up for record loading in Version 16.02 using p_union_13. UE_01 fix_doc_ref_1 is omitted from tab_fix in CDL90 in our Version 16.02 copies so no heading flipping should occur.

    1. It is our understanding that ue_01 functionality is invoked by p_union_13, and that the ue_01 daemon itself is not run. Under these circumstances, does setting new_ue_01 to "Y" in aleph_start have any effect? In other words, is CDL able to take advantage of the new_ue_01 functionality using p_union_13?

    2. Authority library CDL10 is static - we do not load authority record updates. We load records 24x7 into CDL90 using p_union_13. Does CDL need to run the ue_08 daemon in Version 16.02 to link new CDL90 Z01s to CDL10? Does CDL need to run the ue_08 daemon for any other reason?

    3. Depending on the answers to #1 and #2 above, should CDL suppress the creation of z07 records by setting "set create_z07s" to N in aleph_startup? We do not do heading flipping, but are z07s required for any other processing?

    Thanks for your assistance.

    Submitted by Lynne, for CDL.
    [ <Jerry Specht > ]
    [ <Jerry Specht > ]
    [ <Jerry Specht > ]

    1. Though the ./union/union_update_doc program, called by b_union_13_a, updates the same indexes that the ue_01_a and update_docx_2 programs do, it does not invoke ue_01_a or update_docx_2.

    2. ue_01 and the new_ue_01 setenv do not apply to the union environment. CDL will need to continue running ue_08 to do the z0102 processing. ue_08 links bib headings to authority records. When a new bib record is added, the z01 which is created for any new heading in the bib record has "-NEW-" as its Z01-AUT-LIBRARY. ue_08 reads the "-NEW-" headings and checks the xxx10 authority library to see if there is a matching record. If there is, it links it.

    3. CDL can continue to suppress z07s by setting the setenv "create_z07s" to N. They are not required for any other processing.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013