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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    ue_01 is suddenly processing records at half the normal speed

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Our ue_01 process slowed dramatically 3 weeks ago. Prior to that time, it processed an average of 24 records per minute. Now it is processing 10 records per minute. (Our counts are based on the number of occurrences of 'Handling Doc' in the $data_scratch/run_e_01 logs.)

    There are more than five million z07 indexing requests waiting to be processed.

    Our change control logs don't indicate any changes to configuration tables correlating to the start of the problem.

    The first thing is to check the Oracle indexes for the tables which are read/updated by ue_01. These are listed in SKB 8192-2329.

    If an index is absent, then use util a/17/2 to create it.

    If an index shows Status "UNUSABLE", then recreate it with util a/17/3.

    In this case, all the indexes for all of these tables were present and valid.

    Despite which, in this case, the site reported that the recreation of the z07_id Oracle index -- by util a/17/3 -- increased the speed of ue_01 to normal levels. (This is *not* normally the case -- normally this would have no effect--, but that was what was found in this case.)

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    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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