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    ue_01_word: thousands of "IO_Z98 OP ERROR - WRITEN" errors

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 17.01

    Due to a backlog in indexing in the z07 queue, we did basic testing on the new word indexing, and started using the new accumulative word settings last week.
    I am now seeing an error message in the ue_01_word log. When I count the error messages in the log, I see this error occurred 75805 times.
    grep 'IO_Z98 OP ERROR - WRITEN' run_e_01_word.26892 | wc
    75805 379025 2198345

    So far, we have only one symptom of indexing gone awry -- we changed a bunch of Holdings records to a new sublibrary code, and the WSL index for the new sublibrary code does not retrieve any results, even though the code in the sublibrary and item records have changed. The records were put through indexing in ue_01a.

    I can't tell from the ue_01 word log if these records got the error when processed, as the log doesn't record the system number of the record being worked on. This problem may not be related.

    Can you tell me what this error means? Also, do you know if any production sites are running with the accumulative index setting?

    Corrected by: 16.02 rep_change #1329, 17.01 rep_change #440, and 18.01 rep_ver #11849.

    (But we still adivse that you *not* use "accumulative_words Y". See KB's 8192-4488 and 8192-4489.)

    Additional Information

    z07, ue_01, accumulative index setting

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013