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    ue_06: requests not processed; "No matching line in tab39 ..."

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    ue_06 should process all of the z37 request records which meet the criteria shown in KB 3925.

    We find, though it is processing some requests, it is not processing others. In the cases where it is failing we see the following message in the $data_scratch run_e_06.nnnn log:

    No matching line in tab39 - 0026885250000100001

    <where 002688525-00001-00001 is the z37_rec_key>

    The message "No matching line in tab39" is issued by the ue_06_print_letters program when the request's sublibrary, item status, item process status, collection, rush-request-status, and call number do not match any line in the $data_tab/tab39 (either explicitly or by wildcard).

    In this case (and most commonly) the problem is the call number range. tab39 appeared to have blanks in column 5 (call number range lower limit) and column 6 (call number range upper limit), but we found that typing over these blanks with the space character from the keyboard corrected the problem.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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