Polaris (III) to Alma Data Delivery and Migration Guide
Migration Overview
Polaris is an integrated library system produced by Innovative Interfaces, Inc. (III). This document serves two purposes:
- A step-by-step guide to filling out the Polaris to Alma Migration Form.
- A description of the data expected form Polaris, as well as an explanation of the migration rules.
Recommendations for Using this Guide
- Inventory
- Fulfillment
- Acquisitions
- Physical to Electronic
- Files expected - a description of the files expected from Polaris
- Questionnaire Tab – Instructions for individual questions asked on the Questionnaire tab of the migration form.
- Individual Tabs – Instructions on how to fill in individual tabs on the migration form.
- Further Explanation – Explanations of migration processes that need more explanation and/or do not need customer input.
Related Documentation
- This document is intended to complement the Polaris Migration Form – an Excel spreadsheet that is read by the migration programs. It provides further information regarding the migration process and the steps required for migration to Alma.
- Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Alma and Polaris key concepts and architecture, and the requirements (including the migration-related approach) described in Getting Ready for Alma and Discovery Implementation, as well as Electronic Resource Handling in Alma Migration.
- It is recommended that you view the Introduction to the Alma Configuration Process video session before completing your migration form, as the mapping and migration of libraries and locations have implications for subsequent configurations.
- Indicate which local fields correspond to Ex Libris' expected fields using the Polaris Field Mapping form, prior to data delivery (customer responsibility).
- Validate the flat files using the Non-Ex Libris to Alma Validation Tool. It is recommended that this step be done against a small subset of data to ensure that the header of each of your flat files and the filled in field mapping form match each other.
- Extract the relevant data elements from Polaris into flat files (customer responsibility).
- Upload the files to Ex Libris’ secure file server along with the Polaris Delivered Files form and the executed/validated Non-Ex Libris to Alma Validation Tool (customer responsibility).
- Transform the data elements, based on the Polaris Field Mapping form, into an intermediate conversion XML format (Ex Libris responsibility).
- Load the transformed data into Alma (Ex Libris responsibility).
- Deliver the Polaris Field Mapping form and validated data validation output to Ex Libris along with the Polaris Migration Form prior to the actual delivery of the data. The lead time depends on your project schedule. Provide the Polaris Delivered Files form, which lists the file names and the record counts for each file, at the same time that you provide your data extract files.
- Provide the Polaris data elements in flat files, and place them on an Ex Libris secure file server (MFT). Prepare the data files with the naming conventions as described in Acquisitions.
- No acquisitions files are expected for Polaris customers. However, fill out the few acquisitions-related questions in the migration form so that your Alma environment is set up to use acquisitions. For more information, see Appendix – File Delivery and Form.
Associated Excel Forms
Expected File Formats
Bibliographic Records
- Australian customers have ALL bibliographic records marked for Libraries of Australia Publish, if relevant.
- OCLC records (records with an 035 |a with an OCLC-official prefix)are marked for OCLC publish, if relevant.
- The LDR position 9 (character coding scheme) is set to a indicating Unicode.
- From a tag in the bibliographic record, such as 866, with a summary holding statement (optional)
- Information from the item record, if the item has not already been attached to the holding in #1
Holdings From a bib Tag
Expected Field Name | Value | Notes |
SUMM_TAG | Five characters; tag+2 indicators. Can use # as wildcard, for example, 866## or 86#3#. Wildcard allowed for third digit and indicators but not first two digits. To indicate a space character, use b, for example 866b1. | |
SUMM_SUBFIELDS | Multiple subfields allowed, for example, abz. Can use # to indicate all subfields. | |
SUMM_CALLNO | If the summary holding statement has the same location as items on the same bib, the call number for the holding record is inherited from the items. If there are no related items, then this textual call number is used, if desired. An example is: Shelved by Title. | |
SUMM_LIB_SUBF | A single subfield code (like 'a') which contains a library code in local ILS format. Do NOT enter a different bib tag. The migration program searches for a subfield within the SUMM_TAG bib tag. | |
SUMM_LOC_SUBF | A single subfield code (like 'a') which contains a location code in local ILS format. Do NOT enter a different bib tag. The migration program searches for a subfield within the SUMM_TAG bib tag. | |
SUMM_LIB_CODE | If SUMM_LIB_SUBF is not provided or the subfield is not found, this is used for all records as a default. Provide a library code in local ILS format. | |
SUMM_LOC_CODE | If SUMM_LOC_SUBF is not provided or the subfield is not found, this is used for all records as a default. Provide a location code in local ILS format. | |
SUMM_PUBLIC_NOTE_SUBF | Public note, placed in the 852 $z field of the generated holding record. | |
SUMM_NON_PUBLIC_NOTE_SUBF | Non-public note, placed in the 852 $x field of the generated holding record. |
Expected Field Name | Notes |
ItemRecordID | Matches item ID in loans, fines |
ItemStatus | Use in Item Base Status map |
AssociatedBibRecordID | |
AssignedBranch | Use in Alma Location map (as temporary library) |
MaterialType | Use in Alma Item Type map |
ShelfLocation | Use in Alma Location map, along with Assigned Collection |
Barcode | |
AssignedCollection | Use in Alma Location map, along with ShelfLocation |
StatisticalCode | |
LastCircTransactionDate | |
ShelvingScheme | Use in Shelving Scheme map |
CallNumberPrefix | call number $k |
ClassificationNumber | call number $h |
CutterNumber | call number $i |
CallNumberSuffix | call number $m |
VolumeNumber | |
CopyNumber | |
LifetimeCircCount |
To see this value in Alma, search for the item under 'Physical Items' and on the results list click 'Other details'. Alma increments the loan count for items currently on loan, so it is recommended that you send (loans - 1) for currently loaned items. |
LifetimeInHouseUseCount | To see this value in Alma, search for the item under 'Physical Items' and on the results list click 'Other details'. |
OwningBranch | |
CreationDate | |
ModificationDate | |
LastInventoryDate | |
LoanPeriod | Use in Item Type map |
Price and Replacement cost: The Polaris Price field can be used in either or both fields | |
Price | The actual purchase price in Polaris |
REPLACEMENT_COST | Use Price in this field only if this is used as the replacement cost for lost items. |
Item Notes
Note Type | Default Local Field |
NON_PUBLIC_NOTE_1 | FineAmount |
NON_PUBLIC_NOTE_2 | RenewalLimit |
NON_PUBLIC_NOTE_3 | Holdable, NonCirculating |
Item Statistics Notes (STAT_NOTE_*) can use controlled vocabulary when statistics_note_controlled is set to true. For more information, see Configuring Item Statistics Notes.
Secondary Item File
You may want to provide item descriptive information in a secondary file. For example, you have a description in the format Vol. 12 No. 2 (2015 February), but Alma recommends that enumeration and chronology information are without labels and are in separate fields. You can provide your description in a secondary item file.
With the exception of the item_key and barcode, all other fields will force blank if an empty field is provided. In other words, if you have an item description in Alma, and you provide a blank description in this file, the incoming blank will be 'written' to Alma, meaning the Alma description will be deleted.
We recommend that EnumX and ChronX fields contain only numbers, for example '12' instead of 'Vol. 12' and '2' instead of 'Feb'. However, it is programmatically time-consuming to distinguish between an invalid use (Vol. 12) and a valid use (12A), so in the interest of processing quickly, we allow any string in EnumX and ChronX fields. Do not provide a full date in a single field. Split any dates into three, for example 4 Feburary 2020 is ChronI=2020, ChronJ=2, ChronK=4.
Even though it is not recommended, if for any reason you need to provide a full date in a single field, put a tick (') before the date in the Excel cell so that it is treated like text (instead of the Excel date format).
Provide the secondary item file in Excel format (xls or xlsx) format, with the following fields:
Expected Field Name | Notes |
item_key |
Provide either item_key or barcode, but not both. If both are provided, item_key is preferred Always provide both fields, even when one is empty. E.g. |
barcode | |
description | Provide in a format such as: Vol. 12, No. 6 (February 2015) |
enumA | For example, “12”. |
enumB | For example, "6". |
enumC | |
enumD | |
enumE | |
enumF | |
enumG | |
enumH | |
chronI | For example, "2015" |
chronJ | For example, "2". |
chronK | |
chronL | |
chronM |
Customer Input - Inventory
Questionnaire Tab
Institution Code, Customer Code, Institution Name, Customer Name, Time Zone
MARC Organizational Code
List Prefix for bibs from SFX or other management system
Do you use internal system numbers in Linked Entry fields?
Indicate if you use internal system numbers in linking fields. Internal system numbers from your legacy system are not continued in Alma, and therefore should be changed to MMSID (the Alma internal system number).
MARC fields: $w subfield for tags 76x-78x, 80x, 81x, and/or 83x
Unimarc fields: $1 subfield with prefix 001 for fields 423, 461, 462, 463, 464 [example: bib key 99999 in tag 461 = 461 $100199999]
Default: No
Options: If you answered Yes to this question, the internal system numbers in the subfield $w or $1001 of the specified tags are converted from the former system number to the Alma system number.
Internal record designation for Linked Entry fields $w
Default: Blank
Options: If you answered Yes to the previous question and the internal system numbers have a prefix, enter the value to be matched to identify the local system number. If the system numbers in $w or $1001 do not have a prefix, or if you answered No to the previous question, leave this question blank.
Further information on LINKED_ENTRY_W and LINKED_ENTRY_PREFIX: When bibliographic records are related to each other, such as a journal title that is superseded by a second journal title, your previous ILS may store the information in bibliographic fields 76x-78x, 80x, 81x, and 83x $w for MARC, and 423, 461, 462, 463, 464 for Unicode. If the number in the $w or $1001 of the linking tags is the internal legacy ILS system number, these numbers must be changed to the Alma representation of the system number. If your library does not use the internal system number to link and instead relies on more general identifiers such as the ISBN, ISSN, or shared cataloging DB (OCLC or DLC), these numbers are not modified.
In Alma, the system numbers in the linking field are used to link two related bibliographic records together using the related records process. Related records can be found by clicking the More Info link on the Alma Search Results page. For more information on configuring related records, see Configuring Related Records for Physical Inventory.
Indicate which 852 subfields to use to determine unique holdings records
Options: To group all items on a single bibliographic record by library/location only, select bc here. If you have many items in the same bibliographic record in the same library/location but different call numbers WITHIN that library/location and you want each of them to have their own distinct holdings record, specify additional call number subfields. Acceptable subfields: bchijklmp.
The library and location codes are matched after the Alma Location Mapping has been performed, meaning the match is done on the Alma version of the library/location codes.
Further Information: See the Determining Groups of Holding Records and the Changing the Holdings Record Grouping sections.
Limit exported records by location
Bib Key Prefix
Move 001/003 to 035 or 935
Code: 001_035_935
Default: 035
Options: If your incoming bibliographic records have a number in the 001, then the migration programs move it elsewhere as (<003>)<001>. For example: (OCoLC)12345. To move to the 035, which is the default, then select 035 in the dropdown. If you are part of a consortium and are using OCLC numbers to determine matching records when linking to the NZ, you may wish to move this number to the 935 so that the moved number does not interfere with another matching key you may be using. If you are not linking to the NZ, then this question is likely not useful. Default: 035
Ex Libris marks the moved 035 or 935 with $9 ExL to indicate that the migration programs generated this field.
Further information: If an 035 exists in the record already with the identifier that was in the 001, then a second (duplicate) tag is NOT made. Also, when checking if the identifier already exists, the migration programs compare to the $a only. Meaning, if an existing tag contains
001 12345
003 OCoLC
035 $a(OCoLC)12345 $z (OCoLC)54321
then the existing 035 $a is considered a duplicate and a second tag is not created.
Add institution suffix to Bib ID
Default: No
Options: When moving the legacy bibliographic identifier to the 035 or 935, you can choose to add the institution code to the end of the string, like 12345-34ABC where 12345 is the legacy bib ID and 34ABC is the institution code. This may be used in conjunction with other bib identifier options, such as BIB_KEY_PREFIX and MARC_OC.
Yes = include suffix
No = do not include suffix
Use subfield indicators in item call number (AltCallNo)
Default: Yes
Options: When generating an Item Call Number field (also known as AltCallNo), you can decide if the string contains subfield indicators. Default = Yes
Yes = $h PZ3.A93 Pr16 $i A975
No = PZ3.A93 Pr16 A975
For more information on when an Item Call Number is generated, see the section Changing the Holding Record Grouping, which depends on the question 852_SUBFIELDS_FOR_HOL.
Add $9 LOCAL to specified tags
Default: empty
Options: Add $9 LOCAL to specified bib tags, for use in consortia where an IZ environment links to an NZ. Tags marked as Local will be kept in the IZ, and not moved to the NZ.
Format for this input: tag + indicator. Use # for any/wildcard, and b for the space character. Separate with semicolon.
Example: 59###; 69###;960##;970##;090b#
The wildcard works only for the third digit of the tag and the indicators. Examples:
CORRECT: 95###
Also, 900-949 cannot be used here, as described in the Migration Considerations for Consortia guide
Alma Library Tab
Alma Location Tab
- Owning Branch
- Assigned Collection
- Shelf Location
Polaris Collection | Alma Library Code | Alma Location Code | Alma Location Desc | Alma External Loc Desc | Electronic Location (Yes/No) | Suppress from Externalization |
ALMA_ME_ VALUE_NOT _FOUND | MAIN | UNASSIGNED | Problem location from Migration | Problem: See Library Staff | Yes |
Alma Location Name and Alma External Location Name
Library | Alma Location Code | Alma Location Name | Alma External Location Name |
Library A | stacks | Main Stacks | Main Stacks |
Library B | stacks | Main Stacks | Main Stacks |
Library A | archa | Archives A | Archives |
Library B | archa | Archives B | Archives |
Library A | archstk | Archives Stacks | Archives |
Library A | archref | Archives Reference | Archives |
Library | Alma Location Code | Alma Location Name | Alma External Location Name |
Library A | archstk | Archives | Archives |
Library A | archref | Archives | Archives |
- The Alma library is placed in the 852‡b field.
- The Alma location is placed in the 852‡c field.
Collapsing Locations
Polaris Location Code | Polaris Collection Code | Alma Library | Alma Location Code | Alma Location Name | Alma External Loc Name | Electronic Location |
MAIN | reserves | MAIN | RESERVES | Reserves | Reserve | No |
MAIN | reservesElec | MAIN | RESERVES | Reserves | ReserveElec | Yes |
MAIN | reservesShort | MAIN | RESERVES | Reserves | Reserve | No |
MAIN | reservesPerm | MAIN | RESERVES | Reserves | Reserve | No |
Item Type Tab
Item Base Status Tab
Shelving Scheme Tab
Further Explanation - Inventory
Bibliographic Records
- Australian customers have ALL bibliographic records marked for Libraries of Australia Publish, if relevant.
- OCLC records (records with an 035 |a with an OCLC-official prefix)are marked for OCLC publish, if relevant.
- The LDR position 9 (character coding scheme) is set to a indicating Unicode.
Determining Groups of Holding Records
- Item 1, 2 in Location A
- Item 3, 4 in Location B
- Item 5 in Location C
Changing the Holdings Record Grouping
Item Barcodes
- If the barcode is empty, leave it as is.
- If the barcode exists but is not unique:
- First item barcode encountered – migrate as is.
- Second and subsequent item barcodes encountered – migrate as <item barcode>-<item id>
- .
Material Type
Field Name | Notes |
file: patron | |
Organization | |
PatronCode | use in User Group map |
PatronID | used to link to loans, requests, fines |
Birthdate | |
ExpirationDate | may be left empty |
RegistrationDate | |
UpdateDate | |
NameFirst | |
NameLast | |
NameMiddle | |
NameSuffix | |
NameTitle | |
Gender | |
BlockingStatusNote | |
File: Patron address | |
PatronID | Needed to link to main file. |
AddressType | See Address section below for preferred address selection. |
PostalCode | |
StreetOne | |
StreetTwo | |
ZipPlusFour | |
City | |
State |
User Preferred Address
Polaris Type Value From File | Local Field Name | Preferred Address Designation |
Preferred Address Selection | Select one of the addresses in the next column à | (select Home, Primary, School or Work as the preferred address |
Address number | Address type (selection) | |
Home | Home, School, Alternative, Work, All | |
Primary | Home, School, Alternative, Work, All | |
Make similar selections for Phone and email |
User Identifiers
Alma Identifier Type | Polaris Field Name | Polaris Note for Identifier |
UNIV_ID | User2 | |
BAR | Barcode | |
ADDL_ID_1 | FormerID | |
ADDL_ID_2 | User1 | |
ADDL_ID_3 | User3 | |
ADDL_ID_4 | User4 |
User Statistical Categories
There may be a number of fields in the patron record that function as a statistical category only, for example, a student’s department or major. The way the student borrows can be determined by the P TYPE, but you may want to track the department, so that you can get more detailed statistics on how Law students borrow, for example. We provide you the option to map the data from any field to the User Statistical Categories in Alma.
User Statistical Category | Local Field Name | Field Label |
You can add up to 10 incoming fields. To map the values, use the UserStatCategories map in the Migration Form. If a value is not found in the map, it is migrated as is. If you use a label, the userStatCategory map tries to map the field including the label. The first column in the userStatCategory map would be: LABEL: value, for example: SCHOOL: Law.
If you use this prefix, be sure to use the prefix again in the Migration Form Mapping tab for User Stat Categories, in column A (incoming data). In the Field Mapping form, provide labels to the right of the field:
Then, in the migration form, use that label as a prefix to the values in the field. Be sure to put a space between the label and the code:
In the case above, you can see that if there were no prefix to the fields, it would not be possible to distinguish between 'b' from PC1 and 'b' in PC2.
Note Name | Default Local Field |
LIBRARY_NOTE | LastActivityDate, LifetimeCircCount, NonBlockingStatusNote |
BARCODE_NOTE | LastActivityDate |
OTHER_NOTE | OTHER_NOTE is set as user Viewable by the migration programs. This is the only note which migration marks as user viewable. |
CIRC_NOTE | The 'CIRC_NOTE' is marked by the migration programs as a popup note. This is the only user note which migration marks as a popup note. |
Active Loans
Field Name | Notes |
CheckOutDate | |
DueDate | |
ItemRecordID | Matches item ID in the item file |
PatronID | Matches patron ID in the patron file |
Renewals | Used to check status only; if you want to keep actual number of renewals also, put in note |
OriginalCheckoutDate | |
OriginalDueDate | |
CheckOutDate |
Note Name | Default Local Field |
NON_PUBLIC_NOTE | BillingNoticeSent |
Lost and Claimed Returned Loans
Field Name | Notes |
PatronID | Matches patron ID in the patron file |
ItemRecordID | Matches item ID in the item file |
LostDate |
Field Name | Notes |
PatronID | Matches patron ID in the patron file |
ItemRecordID | Matches item ID in the item file |
DueDate | |
ClaimDate |
Fines and Fees
Field Name | Notes |
PatronID | Links to patron record |
OutstandingAmount | |
TxnDate | |
TxnCode | Only migrates when TxnCode = Charge |
FeeReasonCode | Use in Fine Fee Type map |
ItemRecordID | Links to item record |
Note Name | Default Local Field |
FINE_FEE_COMMENT | TxnAmount, LoaningOrganization, DueDate, FreeTextNote, CheckoutDate |
Active Requests on the Hold Shelf
Field Name | Notes |
item# | Links to item |
borrower# | Links to patron |
pickup_location | Sent through the Alma Location tab |
request_date | |
on_hold_date |
Note Name | Default Local Field |
NON_PUBLIC_NOTE | comment |
Customer Input - Fulfillment
Questionnaire Tab
Enter a two-letter code for the default conversational language for your users
Which identifier should be used as the patron's Primary Identifier?
How should we handle duplicate identifiers in the same patron?
Default: DISCARD
Options: Alma does not allow duplicate identifiers anywhere, even in the same patron. If the patron has the same number in two or more different identifier types, we can either not migrate the second one, or disambiguate it with -1, -2 etc.
DISCARD: do not migrate the second and subsequent identifiers
ADD_SUFFIX: add -1, -2, etc
Default: DISCARD
Currency for patron fines
Merge Patron Prefix
Default: No
Options: If you are combining data from two or more separate databases into a single combined institution in Alma, then indicate a prefix here that will be used to distinguish the incoming patron record original IDs. This prefix is only added to the internal patron identifier, it is not added to barcodes or usernames or UNIV_ID. If you are not merging institutions, leave this question blank.
User Group Tab
- Which identifier should be used as the patron's Primary Identifier?
User Campus Tab
User Stat Categories Tab
Fine Fee Type Tab
Further Explanation – Fulfillment
Internal/External Patrons
- Provide a field called INTERNAL_EXTERNAL in the Polaris patron extract, containing either “INTERNAL” or “EXTERNAL”.
- Identify patrons as internal or external by user group on the Polaris Migration Form, User Group tab, Internal? Yes or No column. For example: all faculty are EXTERNAL and all community borrowers are INTERNAL.
Identification Numbers
Customer Input
Questionnaire Tab
Migrate Acquisitions
Default currency for Ledgers/Funds
Fiscal Period Cycle Pattern
Which year do you use to name the fiscal year?
- second – if fiscal period runs July 1 2014 through June 30 2015, then the fiscal year is named 2015.
- first – if fiscal period runs July 1 2014 through June 30 2015, then the fiscal year is named 2014.
Current Fiscal Year
- Determine by date of conversion – The conversion program uses the fiscal period that includes the date of conversion.
- 2014-2015 – Select this option if the date of conversion is later than the fiscal period to which you want your orders to migrate. For example, if the migration date is July 3, 2014, and the previous fiscal period ended on June 30, 2014, select this to put all of your orders in the fiscal period that ended on June 30, 2014. Select this option if you want to run fiscal period close in Alma instead of in your old system.
- 2015-2016 – If the date of conversion is earlier than the start date of the desired fiscal period, select this option. For example, if the migration date is June 15, 2014, and the next fiscal period begins on July 1, 2014, select this option to put all of your orders in the next fiscal period. Select this option if you want to perform the fiscal period rollover in your legacy ILS prior to conversion.
Accrual Accounting
- No, do not make an additional fiscal year.
- Yes-No Funds ¬ make an additional fiscal year but leave it empty. The library will then need to create funds for this fiscal year after go-live.
- Yes-duplicate funds – make an additional fiscal year and also fill it with funds that are the same codes as the funds in the current fiscal year. No allocations are made.
Fund Prefix
Physical to Electronic (P2E) Processing
If you provide a bibliographic record in the P2E file, the migration programs will generate an electronic resource for the bib, even if there is no valid URL. An example of an invalid URL might be an 856 tag with an indicator which does not match the specific indicator in the question P2E_LINK, below. For example, if you say that we use 85641u for the P2E_LINK, and you provide a bib record *without* a 85641u but that bib record is in the p2e file, then we will generate a local e-resource without any link at all (an empty resource). Be careful which bibs are placed in the bib file.
Further, the P2E process attempts to identify an order related to the identified inventory for conversion to electronic. Similarly to items and holdings, orders are initially migrated as print and are transformed to electronic through the p2e process. See the guide https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Implementation_and_Migration/Migration_Guides/Electronic_System_Migrations/Electronic_Resource_Handling_in_Alma_Migration for more information.
Customer Input
Questionnaire Tab
- Specific indicators: 85641u – only tags with 41 as the indicator is used.
- No indicator (# is used for a blank character, for example: 8564#u) – only tags with 4<blank> a
s an indicator are used. - All possible indicators: 8564*u – tags with 4 as the first indicator are used. The second indicator is not taken into account.