Active portfolios are not published to Primo - how to resolve
- Product: Alma
eBooks or journals have been ordered, activated in Alma, but the icon seen in Repository Search indicates the portfolio is inactive; Nothing found in Primo.
Check that the Full-Text Service for the portfolio is active:
1. Search for the Electronic Collection, e.g. "SpringerLink Books Behavioral Science"
2. Click: Edit Service
3. Change the selection to be: "Service activation status" = Available
4. Save
Once activated, the icon displays an active portfolio and the portfolio will be published to Primo. If it is already in Primo, the ViewIt will immediately be able to offer full-text service.
Additional Information
It is possible to retrieve Electronic Collections with active portfolios but inactive Service using an Advanced Search query:
Electronic Collections where Electronic Collection (Availability equals "Not Available") and Electronic Portfolio (Availability equals "Available")
- Article last edited: 15-JULY-2016