Analytics Union Report - How To report on portfolios with or without POLines
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Alma
- Relevant for Installation Type: Total Care; Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local
Creating a report on portfolios in Analytics gives expected results. However, when adding the column of PO line reference number (in fact, any columns from PO lines) for information to see if any portfolios are paid, then this informational column immediately acts as a filter column - It only returns 5 portfolios with PO lines. those that do not have PO lines are excluded.
What should be done to just add the PO line reference as an INFORMATION column, but not a filter column?
The way to get all portfolios is by creating a UNION between two reports.
1. One report contains portfolios with "PO Line Reference" information, and the other report doesn't have it.
2. The UNION creates one big de-duplicated list.
3. The number of columns should be identical in each report.
4. The report without POLine information needs to have a "dummy" column (please see more in the attached Word Document or the SQL below)
5. The filters should be identical
Here is a picture of the results:
Additional Information
Attached is a Word document, kindly shared by Pauline Smith of the the Eastern Washington University Libraries.
Alternatively, it is possible to use SQL.
Please feel free to add your comments or suggestions and we will incorporate them.
Please also note that UNION reports exist in the shared Analytics folders (find them by using this keyword, "union").