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    Availability web service

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Alma


    We're currently implementing the Rebus List reading list system and would like to be able to provide availability information in the system. None of the web services which are documented under Alma Developer seem to be able to do this but it has been suggested that the publish_avail web service used by Primo could be used. Would this be suitable and is there any documentation available about this?


    Yes there is a web service for this: 'retrieveHoldingsInformation'
    It uses the MMS ID for the bib as an input parameter and delivers holdings information, including the MMS Id of the holdings:

    Retrieve Holdings Information
    This Web service retrieves holdings and availability information—library, location, availability, holdings (that is, relevant 866 subfields)—related to a given bibliographic (MMS) record, if the input parameters provide a match.
    If the input parameters do not provide a match, an error message is returned, stating the reason why the information cannot be retrieved.
    Input Parameters
    *MMS IDs – The identifiers of the record for which the holdings information is requested, separated by comma.

    For further information, see Alma menu > Alma Developers > Web Services > Resource Management > Holdings Information.

    Category: Fulfillment - Alma

    Subject: Fulfillment infrastructure - Alma

    • Article last edited: 3/5/2014