Browse shelf listing results for Call Number Level = All
Browse shelf listing shows only a few results for the given call number when the Call Number Level is set to All.
We get more results when we use the call number level Holding Call Number.
Replication Steps
Browse shelf listing > use the following settings
Call Number Level = Holdings Call Number
Call Number Type = (the type you are using)
Library and Location = empty
Call Number = (the call number you want to search for)
> You will get the correct list of all holdings with this call number
Now change the settings for the Browse shelf listing:
Call Number Level = All
Call Number Type = (the type you are using)
Library and Location = empty
Call Number = (the call number you want to search for)
> You will receive results on the holding level, but only a small part of the results from the first list.
It is recommended to use the Call Number Level = Holdings Call Number to get accurate results in the Browse Shelf Listing.
- Article last edited: 29-Jul-2023