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    Do not show resource sharing link for records in discovery

    • Product: Alma


    We do not want to display the link to resource sharing requests (or purchase requests) next to the records in our discovery system (e.g. Primo).

    But we want to keep the general link to the resource sharing form (or purchase request form) that is by default on the top of the screen.

    If we disable resource sharing (or purchase requests) via the Display Logic Rules, the general form can't be opened anymore either.


    This is the solution for resource sharing requests. The same solution can be applied for purchase requests accordingly.

    1. Create a General Electronic Service that will show up only in GetIt (e.g., based on genre not being empty). This service will not be available for blank resource sharing request form. Call it 'Hide RSRequest'. Make sure to leave the fields "Public Name" and "Public Note" empty. The URL is irrelevant, you can enter anything in this field.
    2. Create a Display Logic Rule that will hide the Resource Sharing request link if the General Electronic Service 'Hide RSRequest' exists.
    3. Create a Display Logic Rule that hides 'Hide RSRequest' itself.



    • Article last edited: 25-Sep-2020