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    How to change a POL in "Sent" back to "In Review" in bulk?

    • Product: Alma


    How can I change a POL that is in "Sent" status back to "In Review"?


    You can set a POL that is in "Sent" status back to "In Review" by the following steps:

    1. Create an Order Lines set that contains the POLs you want to change
    2. Run the "Change PO Lines Status" job and cancel the POLs, please note, you must cancel the POLs rather than close them
    3. Run the "Update PO Lines Workflow" job and select the third option (see the screenshot below) to re-open the POL, this will set the POL back to "In Review"

    third option.png


    • Article last edited: 12-Apr-2024
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