How to set up a Hold Request option for an item that is in RS temporary location and on ILL process (item is lent to another library by Resource Sharing Lending Request)?
- Article Type: General
- Product: Alma
Desired Outcome Goal:
Having a Hold Request option in Get It for an item that is in RS temporary location and on ILL process (item is lent to another library by Resource Sharing Lending Request).
A: There are two alternative options
1. A circulation desk of the Resource Sharing library should have a hold shelf defined:
Fulfillment configuration > You are configuring = Resource Sharing Library > Circulation desks > Choose a circulation desk > Define Has Hold Shelf = true
2. ?Deliver To? of the Resource Sharing Library should point to other libraries, one of which has a hold shelf.
Fulfillment configuration > You are configuring = Resource Sharing Library > Relationships > Add relation > Choose a library (when you know that it has a hold shelf in its circulation desk) > Choose ?Deliver To?